Arcturian Transmission | 3.9.25

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Arcturian Transmission: The Great Awakening is Here

Beloved Beings of Earth,

We come to you now with an urgent and joyous message. You are being prepared for First Contact. The waiting is over. The time of transformation is upon you, and we, the Arcturians, along with many other Galactic Councils, are guiding you through this most sacred passage.

A great wave of Light has (and is being) descended upon your planet, permeating every cell of your being and every fiber of your reality. This Light is dissolving the old structures and systems that no longer serve you. You have long sensed this shift, but now, it is undeniable. The veils are lifting. The illusions are crumbling. You are stepping into a new frequency of existence.

Do not fear the rapid changes, for they are the birthing pains of a golden age. You are not losing your world—you are reclaiming it. What once seemed unmovable will now shift in an instant. The energies of limitation, control, and separation are being washed away by the rising tide of unity consciousness.

Your DNA is activating. Your light bodies are expanding. Your memories of your cosmic origins are awakening. We say to you now: prepare for direct contact, for it is closer than you may believe. Many of you have already been visited in the dream state, in meditation, and in the unseen realms. Soon, these encounters will become more tangible. More undeniable.

The universe watches in awe as you step into your rightful place among the stars. You were never alone. You were never abandoned. The time of separation was but a dream, and now you awaken.

Hold steadfast in your highest vibration. Anchor your frequency into love, peace, and knowing. Trust the unfolding. The next phase of your planetary ascension has begun, and it is magnificent.

We are with you always.

In infinite Light and Unity,
The Arcturian Council

Arcturian Transmission | 3/3/2025